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Family turns temporary visit to North Carolina into a business built on goat's milk

STANTONSBURG, N.C. (WNCT) -- Danielle Dehoff and her husband, Jeremy Dehoff, moved from Pennsylvania to Eastern North Carolina in order for her to find a teaching job.

That was in 2016. Staying wasn't in their original plan, but they did. A couple of years later, they built a business surrounding goat's milk soap and lotion along with beeswax candles. It's called A Bushel & a Peck Homestead.

"We were gonna move back to Pennsylvania and that didn't happen because my husband found a job and he loves it here," said Danielle Dehoff.

Creating products with natural ingredients was important to the Dehoffs and the name because of her grandmother.

"The Bushel & a Peck name came from the song that she used to sing us all the time," said Dehoff.

Watch the video for more information about the homestead and how they started their business.

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