WINSTON-SALEM (WGHP) — Multiple arrests have been made in a series of crimes committed in late June all connected to a carjacking, according to the Winston-Salem Police Department.
A woman was carjacked in Winston-Salem on June 25. The woman was sitting down inside of her parked car in a parking deck on North Church Street and was in the process of shutting her door when the suspect approached her and blocked the door from closing.
The suspect then pulled out a knife and told the woman to exit the car. She complied and the suspect then drove away with the car.
The woman was not harmed during the robbery.
A Sheetz location in Winston-Salem was the victim of a robbery during the early hours of June 26. Patrolling officers responded to the Sheetz on 2985 Fairlawn Drive after getting a report of a robbery-in-progress.
At the scene, police discovered that the suspects had left the store in the stolen car prior to their arrival.
Investigators say that three suspects entered the Sheetz together and one of them attempted to buy something with cash. When the clerk opened the register, the other two suspects then assaulted the clerk and stole an undisclosed amount of cash from the register.
Later on June 26, deputies found the stolen car and attempted to pull the driver over. The driver refused to stop and sped away. Deputies pursued them briefly before pulling away on US-421 South.
A short time later the stolen car was used in yet another robbery in Kernersville. The suspects began to travel back to Winston-Salem and were spotted by police on Old Greensboro Road and another pursuit began.
The suspects stopped in the area of East Fifth and East Fourth Street and were apprehended while trying to run away on foot.
The following five people were arrested:

They all face a number of charges ranging from and including felony larceny, drug charges, resisting arrest and reckless driving.