GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) -- Whether he eventually plays football or just keeps on picking who will win the games, three-year-old Wesley Hondros has a bright future.
Wesley, who is from Atlanta, has made NFL game predictions for the last few weeks, and most of them have been correct. His father, Brad, tells 9OYS Wesley has 32 helmets, one for each NFL team. Brad, helps him put the matchups together and Wesley will pick the helmet he believes belongs to the winner.
During the NFL postseason, surprisingly enough, Wesley has picked all winners. He has even come to learn the quarterbacks of the two teams competing in Sunday's Super Bowl, the Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals.
Wesley's grandfather, Randy Hondros, lives in Atlantic Beach and introduced us to the 3-year-old and his picking prowess through a video of his successful picks. We got a chance to speak via Zoom with Wesley and his father about Wesley, his good fortune streak and -- of course -- Wesley's pick for the Super Bowl.
Click the video above to see more.