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HPU professor speaks about possible market volatility from Russian invasion of Ukraine

(WGHP) — Russia's invasion has the world's eyes firmly on Ukraine.

FOX8 spoke with Doctor John Graeber, a High Point University political science professor, to get a better understanding of what happened and what led up to this aggression.

Discussing the potential impact that this invasion could have on the United States, Graeber said that the length of time of this invasion will be the biggest factor. A quick, successful invasion could lead to short-term market volatility in the US. Primarily this has been seen in the increase in oil and gas prices.

If there's a longer-term conflict, that market volatility could last a lot longer and there could be an increase in "inflationary pressure."

It's too early to say how long these gas price hikes will last, or how this attack on Ukraine will go on, but over 100 lives have already been lost and Russia has taken Chernobyl.

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