GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) -- Greensboro neighbors who live at the intersection of North Holden Road and Cascade Drive are asking drivers to slow down after a crash.
"It's generally a very busy intersection," said Alison Freeman, who lives at the intersection on North Holden Road and Cascade Drive.
She's lived there with her husband in the Cascade neighborhood for more than 20 years. They say neighbors are concerned about the intersection.
"The biggest issue we have is when you're pulling across Cascade, going over Holden, trying to look to the left and seeing the ongoing traffic," Alison said.
Neighbors say at the left-hand corner of the intersection, hedges and trees block visibility.
FOX8 reached out to the homeowner who didn't want to speak on camera. She says the city gave her a notice years ago, but she has been maintaining the hedges,
"I hate for property owners to have to adjust their property, but there is one corner of the intersection that needs to be cut back a great deal," Alison said.
Crashes at the location tripled over the last year from two to six. Neighbor Michael Dunn says visibility isn't the only problem.
While the speed limit is 35 mph, people living in the community say plenty of people speed.
"I've seen them going 60-65 mph," Dunn said. "People don't slow down. They are going down too fast on Holden Road, trying to run that red light."
Neighbors are hoping the issues can be fixed before someone gets seriously hurt.
"It's scary...that I could be involved in a crash. There needs to be better policing for speedsters down Holden Road, with people running lights. Secondly, the neighbors down there need to cut down their bushes so that people can see down Holden Road better," Dunn said.
FOX8 also reached out to the city.
A spokesperson said they have not seen any reports about this intersection. They say if neighbors are hoping to get the visibility and speeding problem fixed there are ways to do that.
You can email complaints, call in (336-373-2111) or send a letter through the Neighborhood Development Department on the citys' website.
Once they receive the complaints, a code compliance inspector will be assigned to investigate.