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Close call for drivers who narrowly escaped getting hit by suspected impaired driver at UNCG

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) -- In a dramatic video posted to the UNCG Police Department's Facebook page, a suspected impaired driver was speeding, ran a red light, and nearly collided with two vehicles.

"The individual was going like 70-80 mph in a 25-mile zone coming through campus. He saw the person was running a red light, turned his blue lights on eventually caught up with the person and eventually the person was arrested," Detective S. Shahzad said.

It's a situation he says doesn't always end without a tragedy.

"About every 52 minutes we have a fatal crash in the U.S. caused by impaired driving. In that case, it could have been a fatal crash, it was nearly a fatal crash," he said.

UNCG officers patrol for impaired driving around the campus.

The other big traffic violation they encounter is speeding. Students worry about it too.

"It's always difficult to cross the street, and I thought us being on campus, drivers should be more understanding to the kids trying to get class, but I have seen it plenty of times people almost getting hit, people on bikes trying to get to class almost getting hit by cars," Theresa Little said.

Andreck Hujiler rides a skateboard to class and sees drivers speeding all the time.

"I have to be very cautious of the cars coming because sometimes they tend to slow down a little too late, and they are not going to slow down even if it's a red light," he said.

The speed limit on campus is 25 mph.

There are speed monitors alerting drivers how fast they are going that have been in place for almost a year.

Officers say it is not always enough.

"We actually go out and assign an officer at a crosswalk, where they stop all the cars and make sure the pedestrian can walk through safely," Shahzad said.

Police are asking drivers to be more cautious when on the road and report dangerous driving situations.

"Police can't be there always," Shahzad said. "If you see someone driving erratically, running red lights, call the police department so we can do something about it before something like a fatal crash occurs."

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