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Biden administration looks to tackle increased prices at grocery stores

WASHINGTON (Nexstar) -- The White House says it is fighting against higher prices at grocery stores.

"Right now, we are deeply concerned," USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said.

Vilsack blames rising meat prices, which he says are a result of a lack of competition in the supply chain.

"You need to have greater diversity across the board here, so we're looking for ways to increase the market," Vilsack said.

The Biden administration points to a 2019 study from the Open Markets Institute, which found the four largest beef packing companies control 82-percent of the market.

"The real concern we have is that consumers are facing higher prices and the growers aren't seeing that increase. And that is a real concern," National Economic Council Director Brian Deese said.

Deese says the White House wants to enforce antitrust laws, boost competition, and push back against pandemic profiteering.

"Our goal here is to work with industry to get to a better outcome, for consumers and a fair outcome for American farmers," Deese said.

Some lawmakers, like Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) agree prices are a problem but blame the administration.

"The government spending that is on overdrive is the issue, but I don't see progressives taking their foot off the gas any time soon," Waltz said.

The Administration is confident their actions will help build a better food system for Americans and prevent corruption in the supply chain.

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