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Vanderbilt athletic director condemns 'racist slurs' used at College World Series

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Vanderbilt University's athletic director has condemned "racist slurs" she said were hurled at student-athlete parents during Monday night's game of the College World Series.

In a series of tweets Tuesday morning from her official Twitter account, Candice Storey Lee posted that she was "deeply troubled" by the slurs and called them "absolutely unacceptable and disgraceful behavior."

"Such hateful language has no place anywhere in our society," Storey Lee wrote.

She added, "To the family members who were impacted, please know that you have my full support... you absolutely have the wholehearted support of not only Vanderbilt Athletics but all of Commodore Nation."

No specifics were released about the comments made to the student-athlete parents.

Vanderbilt University defeated Mississippi State in Game 1 of the College World Series on Monday night in Omaha, Nebraska.

Game 2 of the series is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday.

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