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North Carolina man steps outside, plays 'Taps' for neighbors

CHARLOTTE, NC (FOX 46 CHARLOTTE) - A touching tribute to fallen service members on Memorial Day.

People all across Charlotte stepped outside and played ‘Taps’ at 3 o’clock on Memorial Day.

It’s all part of ‘Taps Across America,’ a movement that started during COVID when people couldn’t get together for Memorial Day.

Now, many hope it’s a tradition that sticks around.

“I find music can stir all kinds of emotions,” said Matt Cribb.

It’s not something Matt does that often.

“I’d like to do a good job,” said Matt.

His trumpet typically hangs in the room that’s become an office/classroom/music room during COVID. A lot changed in 2020 and Matt said, he did too.

“I tended to be more of an introverted person. I think I’ve grown into this, now when I see people I just latch on to them. Hey, let’s talk, have some connection,” said Matt.

On Memorial Day, he’s making a different kind of connection with his neighbors.

“If I can share that and it brings some peace, comfort, a time of remembrance for somebody then that’s a great job. My part’s done,” said Matt. “It’s my duty to do what I can.”

His part involves 24 notes, a trumped, and a song played during the funeral of a fallen service member.


“I started hearing it, I heard that and I just came out front. Where is it coming from? It was Matt and tears just started coming,” said his neighbor, Janet Grier, remembering when Matt played last year.

This year, his neighbors were prepared and outside when Matt started.

Matt said, he doesn’t know anyone personally who had lost their life while serving. But he’s not playing for himself, he’s playing to remind all what service and sacrifice sound like.

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