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More than 8,000 students have enrolled in Guilford County Schools' summer learning program

GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. (WGHP) -- Guilford County Schools Superintendent Dr. Sharon Contreras announced a new summer learning program for students to make the most of their summer.

On Wednesday, Contreras said 8,016 students have enrolled in the program so far. It's a large increase from the 1,200 who attended in 2019, the last summer before the pandemic.

This year district leaders are targeting parents and students differently and offering a fifth quarter. The first session will start June 14 for three weeks, followed by another on July 12. Classes will take place Monday through Thursday and meals will be provided. Contreras says students across all grade levels are encouraged to enroll for both sessions.

"I think some families are not aware of just how significant the learning loss is," Contreras said. "My concern is that students have fallen further behind and their life outcomes are being jeopardized by not receiving additional support and not catching them up."

This is the first time full-day summer classes are being offered. There is a wide range of academic programming to select from including arts, music, and physical activity.

The programs for elementary students will focus on reading and math with weekly themes.

Students in grades fourth through eighth will have an opportunity to retake the End-of-Grade tests.

It's something Jennifer Stutt's son is getting ready for now.

"He didn't have the EOG's last year so I think because of COVID and everything," Stutts said. "This year is his first year with the EOG and he's a little stressed about, worried about how he's going to do."

High school students who fail a course will be invited to attend a fifth quarter to improve to a passing grade. Seniors who need to fulfill a graduation requirement must pass the course by June 25 to graduate with their class.

"They are designed not just as remediation but to provide students with a full day of academic support, social, emotional support and enrichment activities," Contreras said. "It is much more like a summer camp."

Stutts thinks the summer learning program will make a difference.

"Something that's going to entice the kids or they feel like they're not going to school during the summer," she said.

Sessions are in person only unless the student was already enrolled in a virtual academy. There are plenty of teachers for the sessions.

Contreras told FOX8 while no student will be turned away, school officials need to have enrollment numbers locked in by May 28 so the proper transportation is in place.

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