CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) - The South Carolina Aquarium on Monday shared screenshots of messages sent to the "Ask an Aquarium Educator" number from a slightly inebriated, but curious, man.
The man, who was "currently at the corner of Market and Meeting" Streets, asked the educator what that spot would've looked like "10,000 years ago before the area was settled by humans?"
He then asked when the area was first settled by humans.
He also asked about any marine qualities unique to the Lowcountry.
Switching gears, the man became a bit more philosophical, asking "on what subjects do marine biologists disagree," followed by "there must be things generally agreed upon... but what theories are currently being debated?"
His stream of consciousness then takes him to "why do sea horses grab anything they can with their prehensile tail?" and "why should I only eat oysters in months that contain the letter R?"
The Aquarium Educator responded thoughtfully to each question, providing the man with a wealth of information.