CHEROKEE CO., S.C. (WSPA) - A stop for gas in Cherokee County turned into one mother's worst nightmare.
"I went to the 105 Auto Mart to get gas, because everybody was talking about how there's going to be a huge gas shortage, and I was like, 'Oh, I don't have any gas,'" Mary Frederickson said.
Mary Frederickson was filling up her car last week when she accidentally left her wallet on the trunk.
"When I drove off, it fell off my car at some point and time," she said.
Shortly after, when Frederickson realized what happened, she immediately went into panic mode, but not because of the money she'd potentially lost.
"I cancelled all of my cards and stuff like that, but I didn't care about that. I didn't care about the $400 cash in the wallet. I just wanted my baby's memories back," she said.
There was a memory card inside the wallet, and that card held five years worth of pictures and videos of her 9-year-old daughter Millie.
"She was a light," Frederickson said about her daughter. "Everybody she ever came in contact with, they remembered her."
Millie recently passed away after a car accident.
"This chip has the pictures and videos of my daughter's last minutes," Frederickson said. "Now that she's gone, the memories are all that I have. I can't create more."
A couple days after losing her wallet, it appeared in her mailbox; but all it had inside was her ID. No memory card.
"I was hopeless," Frederickson said. "I literally thought it was gone forever."
It wasn't until Frederickson took to social media, begging for help, that she finally had a little hope.
"I was willing to pay hundreds of dollars. I didn't care because this tiny little chip is all I have," she said.
A few days later, someone came by her mailbox again and left the memory card inside.
"The biggest weight of the world lifted off my shoulders, knowing that I could have all my pictures and videos of my daughter," Frederickson said. "The person who took it, I know that they didn't understand the impact that their actions would have on somebody."
Frederickson said she has no hard feelings toward the person who had her wallet.
"I can't say that they're a bad person because I don't know. Maybe they needed the money more than I did and that's fine. But the fact that they might've seen my post, or someone told them about it, and they had the care and compassion to bring me my stuff back, that's what meant the most," she said. "I hold no ill will towards them. Just the fact that they cared enough to bring me my baby's memories back, it means everything in the world to me."
Frederickson told 7 News her daughter Millie was an organ donor and helped save four other people's lives.