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Greensboro unveils simulator to collect ideas on what to do with its $56.4 million from the American Rescue Plan

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — The City of Greensboro is preparing to receive $56.4 million, and leaders want to know what you think the city should do with it.

Using the Greensboro ARP Spending Simulator, the city is letting residents map out how they would like to see those funds allocated.

“Residents can use the Greensboro ARP Spending Simulator to share their priorities for these funds with City Council and City leadership. In the simulator, they can also add comments or make specific spending requests,” said Greensboro Budget and Evaluation Department Director Jon Decker. 

The tool offers four categories: "Recovery Assistance for Community Programs," "Transformative Programs," "Fiscal Sustainability - Restoration of Revenues" and "Your Suggestions and Ideas."

The recovery assistance category includes subsections for nonprofits, local small businesses and impacted industries.

Transformative programs includes public safety programming and projects, broadband infrastructure improvements, transit system improvements, investments in housing and neighborhoods and water and sewer infrastructure.

Fiscal sustainability includes parks, libraries and other city programs revenue restoration, parking funds restoration, coliseum funding support, hotel/motel fund restoration, transit revenue restoration and direct costs related to the pandemic response.

You can include comments with each of your choices, though you may especially wish to consider adding your thoughts under the section for your suggestions and ideas.

That said, the city does specify that the money cannot legally go toward reducing tax rates or delaying tax increases.

The first $28.2 million will arrive in May, and the Greensboro City Council is expected to decide how to spend the first portion of the funds over the next several months.

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