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Ax throwing event in Winston-Salem offers incentive to get COVID vaccine

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (WGHP) -- Incentives for people who get vaccinated has become a trend across many states.

Incentivizing the COIVID-19 vaccine is a way to get more people vaccinated.

On Friday, the Forsyth County Department of Health, along with BTAL in Winston-Salem, gave away free games of ax throwing to people who got either the Jonson & Johnson or Pfizer shot at the establishment.

Joshua Swift said this is a way to target people ages 18-40 to get shots in their arms by engaging with them in a familiar and fun environment.

"It's a way to get the vaccine that's needed and serious, and it's also a way to have fun," Swift said.

Swift also said this was a way to help businesses be a part of the community they serve and for people to get familiar with them.

Roderick Patterson was on the people that participated in Friday's vaccine event. He didn't know about the free games but wanted to get vaccinated after both his parents caught COVID.

Patterson opted for Johnson & Johnson and said he's happy about the free ax throwing, but it's more about safety.

"I didn't want to get sick, and I didn't want to see nobody in my family die from COVID," Patterson said.

The next ax throwing COVID vaccine incentive at BTAL will be June 11, 2021, from 4-7 p.m.

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