PRAIRIEVILLE, La. (BRPROUD) - Animal shelters have seen an increase in pet adoptions throughout the pandemic.
Our furry friends may be getting nervous as things start to open back up.
Pets may become a little uneasy as people head back to work.
Celebrity dog trainer Joel Silverman says, "There are some dogs that may be more needy or dependent on you. Now all of a sudden you have been there for three months, six months, nine months, and all of a sudden you got to go back to work."
Some of these behaviors could include scratching on the walls, defecating in the house or even waiting anxiously at the door.
Humans and animals alike felt the effects of the pandemic.
Rescue Alliance Director of Operations Jonathan Henriques says, "Some pets will undergo what’s actually called pet separation anxiety to where they actually will go wandering around the house, some will defecate or urinate, it’s not a form of retaliation, but it’s like their world was turned upside down.”
Ascension Parish Healthcare Worker Christy Burnett says her dog, Chip, exhibits similar behaviors.
Burnett says, "recently my neighbor contacted me and asked me if I was home, and I said no I’m at work, why, what’s going on? She said I heard this dog crazy, so I was able to pull up my cameras and it was my dog crying, missing me.”
He would peek his snout through the window when she made it home.
She said. “He’s a very loving dog and he likes for people to be home, so dogs need that human bond and that human touch.”
There are some ways to help ease their anxiety.
“Come in the house with treats to show them, hey, here I am, I love you. I'm home and it actually will help them with coping with the fact that you've been away all day," said Henriques.
Silverman says, "Crate training your dog, and I’m not saying this works all the time, but if you could crate train your dog, you don’t give the dog the opportunity to play out those actions all of a sudden getting to these types of things.”
Doing these things help ensure your pets live a pup-tastic and purr-fect life.
Other ways to help your pets cope are by getting them new toys and taking them on long walks when you get home.
To adopt a pet you can click here.