ASHEBORO, N.C. -- The Asheboro community was taken by surprise by a hailstorm on Saturday.
Early Saturday afternoon, lumps of ice dropped like rain. The hail was so thick, homeowners Bobbie and Tom Frazier said they could barely see through it.
Heavy rain also caused a problem, flooding a lake-like pond in the Frazier's backyard. Water levels reached the pier.
Bobbie said this storm was like nothing she's seen before.
"What was odd to us is the rain was so hard. It was so white, we couldn't see out the windows," Bobbie said. "And then the hail came, but there was no wind for us. It was just very still wind wise, so we were very thankful."
According to the Fraziers, the storm lasted no more than 10 minutes. And thankfully, their beautiful home had no damage.