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'Completely unacceptable behavior': Clinic cut off from vaccine supply after misallocating over 6,000 doses meant for public school staff, health officials say

CHICAGO (WGN) — A Chicago clinic has had its vaccine supply shut off by the city after officials claimed it misallocated more than 6,000 doses meant for Chicago Public School staff.

The Chicago Department of Health has ceased vaccine distribution to Innovative Express Care, which is running a COVID-19 testing and vaccine site on the north side of Chicago.

Following an investigation, officials said the clinic entered a contract to vaccinate CPS employees. The health department said they gave vaccines to non-CPS staff members and knowingly misallocated more than 6,000 doses.

They went on to say vaccines allocated for second doses were used for first dose appointments instead.

“This is completely unacceptable behavior. We have already identified new providers to take over and administer vaccine for those scheduled to receive a dose through Innovative Express Care,” officials said.

This is the second medical facility in Chicago to have its vaccine supply cut off after Loretto Hospital leadership was caught giving vaccines to those who were ineligible.

Florida has also faced controversy for wealthy Floridians getting earlier access to coronavirus vaccines, even as the state has lagged in efforts to get poorer residents vaccinated

CPS personnel with appointments on Wednesday will be rescheduled for the near future and notifications are in progress. CPS personnel with existing appointments on Thursday and thereafter will continue to be vaccinated at the same CPS high school site where they were originally scheduled.

The clinic will not be doing any more first-dose vaccinations, and people can visit Zocdoc to find available appointments. Anyone scheduled for a second dose appointment through the Innovative Express Clinic will be vaccinated at a special clinic set up for them at Truman College.

The city said those residents are being contacted and provided the next steps for scheduling their appointment.

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